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Compact Disc

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<storage> (CD) (Not "disk", this spelling is part of the standard).

A 4.72 inch disc developed by Sony and Philips that can store, on the same disc, still and/or moving images in monochrome and/or color; stereo or two separate sound tracks integrated with and/or separate from the images; and digital program and information files.

The same fabrication process is used to make both audio CDs and CD-ROMs for storing computer data, the only difference is in the device used to read the CD (the player or drive).

CD Information Center (http://cd-info.com/cd-info/CDInfoCenter.html).


Nearby terms: COMNET « compact « Compact COBOL « Compact Disc » Compact Disc interactive » Compact Disc Read-Only Memory » Compact Disc Read-Write

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